Spine Surgery Cases
Tierney O.
13+2-year-old female with adolescent idiopathic right thoracic scoliosis (Lenke curve classification 1BN) treated with a posterior pedicle screw construct with near complete correction of her scoliosis maintained at 5 years postoperative.
Read about Tierney's journey >
Svetlana B.
14+10-year-old female from Moscow, Russia came to Saint Louis for treatment of her very severe scoliosis. She had a 149-degree idiopathic scoliosis with her spine resting against her ribcage completely obliterating her right lung field. She had very limited pulmonary function and altered cardiac function. She underwent a two-stage spine
Robert B.
17+7-year-old male with Scheuermann’s kyphosis treated elsewhere. Unfortunately, he developed a spine infection requiring instrumentation removal. He presented to us with progressive kyphosis to +115° with pain. We performed a single-stage posterior reconstruction with multiple posterior column osteotomies to restore normal kyphosis. His curve improved from +115° to +47° with
Marida F.
19+1-year-old female with a very severe adolescent idiopathic right thoracic scoliosis with her spine nearly touching her ribcage on the right side. Her spine was severely rotated as well. She underwent a two-stage posterior reconstruction with a VCR to correct her severe scoliosis deformity.
Read about Marida's journey >
Kathryn C.
14+4-year-old female had an 81-degree thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with a 46-degree proximal thoracic curve producing a double thoracic curve pattern (Lenke curve classification 2AN). She underwent a posterior pedicle screw instrumentation and fusion from T3-L1. At 5 years postoperative, she has maintained excellent coronal correction and trunk alignment.
Hannah B.
11+10-year-old female cerebral palsy patient with a severe progressive 118-degree scoliosis and pelvic obliquity. She was treated with a single stage posterior pedicle screw construct procedure resulting in very nice correction of her severe scoliosis and improvement in her overall health and appearance.
Read about Hannah's journey >
Caitlin M.
12+6-year-old female presented with a severe 159-degree idiopathic thoracic scoliosis (Lenke curve classification 4AN). Her spine was nearly touching her ribcage. She underwent preliminary halo-gravity traction followed by a two-stage posterior spinal fusion and a posterior-based VCR for correction of her severe deformity. At 5 years postoperative, she has excellent