April 20, 2018
Safety in Spine Surgery Summit: Focused on Patient Outcomes
Dr. Lenke is one of the co-chairs of The Safety in Spine Surgery Summit, 2018, held today in New York, NY. This year, its theme is: “Toward New Rules of Engagement for an Increasingly Complex Spine World.” The keynote lecture on “Team of Teams” will be presented by General Stanley A. McChrystal, a four-star general and one-of-a-kind commander with a remarkable record of achievement. General McChrystal is widely praised for revolutionizing the way military agencies interact and operate. He will share his field-tested leadership lessons, stressing a uniquely inclusive model that focuses on building teams capable of relentlessly pursuing results.
Spine surgeons, members of spine surgery teams, OR directors, hospital executives, and more will benefit from this program, and most importantly, so will patients.
View the program here.