Patient Stories
Hannah B. | Pediatric Scoliosis Patient
After the surgery, she truly looked like my beautiful little girl! I could see her face because she could hold her head up again. Her clothes fit so well, and she can use her left arm again. It took about 6 months but she can sit on her own again and drink out of her cup. Everyone that knows her says she seems happier! Read More...
Elizabeth H. | Congenital Scoliosis Patient
I have found a strength I never knew I had to battle past the pain. I want to thank Dr. Lenke and his amazing team for what they did for me. My new back is a dramatic improvement. I couldn’t have asked for a better doctor or better results! Read More...
Dorcas W. | Scoliosis Patient
My Rods and My Screws, They Comfort Me or My Tinker Toy Spine My experience with Dr. Lenke started in early 2000. For 2 years prior, my mobility had steadily decreased as my pain increased. I had experienced spinal surgery once ... Read More...
Cameron R. | Infantile Idiopathic Scoliosis Patient
Parents of Severe Deformity Patient: In Their Own Words We discovered Cam had infantile idiopathic scoliosis at 18 months of age. His Nana works at Shriners Hospital in Lexington so we knew about Shriners but didn’t know if we could see a ... Read More...
Caitlin M. | Scoliosis Patient
Dr. Lenke took one summer to fix one young girl’s misshapen spine. And she, in turn, touched many. Caitlin just graduated from high school this past May, and looks forward to what the future may hold. One of her dreams is to be an actress or model. Now that she has a beautiful straight back, and a heart-melting smile to go with it, we know that all of her dreams are possible. I truly believe God led us to Shriners and Dr. Lenke. Read More...
Antoinette W. | Adult Scoliosis Patient
As a result of having had spinal surgery, I do not need to be in a care center having others taking care of me. Instead, I can now use my strength and new abilities to care for the homebound of our parish church. I can walk to their homes, visit with them, discern and attend to their needs. Read More...
Alex B. | Scoliosis Patient
Hi, my name is Alex, I am 15 years old. My story begins when I was in the 3rd grade. I had been having breathing issues for a few months, which we found out may have been caused by a ... Read More...
Jessica M. | Adult Kyphosis Patient
"Since my surgery, I have had a third child, Simon. I can't even imagine where I would be today had I not met Dr. Lenke. In my household, the name 'Dr. Lenke' means Savior or Life-changing." Read More...