Spine Surgery Cases: Rev surgery

Rebecca N.
14-year-old female with neurofibromatosis (a genetic disorder that disturbs cell growth in the nervous system causing tumors, usually benign, to form on nerve tissue). She presented with a severe thoracic kyphoscoliosis and advanced myelopathy. Her 3-dimensional CT scan and sagittal MRI show her severely angular midthoracic deformity with tenting and

Jessica M.
Patient presented with severe flat back syndrome and lumbar kyphosis with marked postural imbalance not allowing her to stand upright as well as severe lumbar back pain following several lumbar surgeries with decompressions and an attempted fusion.
She underwent a posterior reconstruction with an L2 pedicle subtraction osteotomy (PSO). Following surgery

Natasha R.
15+10-year-old female presented to us 5 years after a scoliosis fusion with problems related to a proximal junctional kyphosis (PJK) above her instrumentation. She had a severe 130-degree kyphosis from her cervical spine to her proximal thoracic region. She was treated with preoperative halo-gravity traction then a posterior reconstruction with

Cameron R.
9+8-year-old male with neurofibromatosis with resultant early-onset scoliosis treated with multiple surgeries with areas of his spine that did not completely heal. He was referred to us with a 130-degree scoliosis and nearly 90° of kyphosis. He underwent preliminary halo-gravity traction and a revision posterior reconstruction with a 3-level VCR

Elizabeth H.
17+5-year-old female had a very unusual and severe deformity following attempted treatment of her congenital scoliosis 4 years prior. This was complicated by neurologic problems from which she slowly recovered. However, her scoliosis progressed and produced a marked truncal decompensation to the right, which progressed over time. She underwent a

Dorcas W.
58+2-year-old female had classic flatback syndrome from previous Harrington rod instrumentation and fusion for idiopathic scoliosis. At nearly 20 years postoperative, she had progression of her unfused lumbar spine below the rod, spinal stenosis, and both coronal and especially sagittal spinal imbalance. She underwent a complex two stage spinal reconstruction

Robert B.
17+7-year-old male with Scheuermann’s kyphosis treated elsewhere. Unfortunately, he developed a spine infection requiring instrumentation removal. He presented to us with progressive kyphosis to +115° with pain. We performed a single-stage posterior reconstruction with multiple posterior column osteotomies to restore normal kyphosis. His curve improved from +115° to +47° with